The lightning of one painting with a projector hanging on the ceiling causes a problem about the light intensity, as the light cannot be homogeneous on the illuminated surface, but it is more intense on the upper side of the painting (nearer to the emitter) giving the effect of less lighting on the lower part of the same.
This is due to the “law of the square of distance” or “Inverse Square Law (ISL), which states that the intensity of the lighting produced on a surface (irradiance) is directly proportional to the bright power (radiant flow) emitted by the source and inversely proportional to the suqare of distance.
IODA has solved this problem by studying and realizing an aspheric-prismatic lens which can collimate the light emitted (thanks to the particular profile) and at the same time project the light in an asimmetric way.

Optical scheme with prismatic lens
This lens has been realized for a specific application once we know the distance from the target, the sizes of the target, the led source, the projector inclination, etc.
IODA can redesign similar lenses for new customers’ applications.
The material of this lens is REVO-01, polyurethane material developped with Acomon AG.
Link REVO-01